How to Manage Your Time in College
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Learning how to balance your time while attending college is essential for a successful experience. Recent studies show that 40% of students who participate in undergraduate classes work while in school, and some even have full-time jobs.
When you must attend classes for 6-8 hours per day and have another eight hours at work to manage, how can you find time for your studies?
Whether you’re a student looking for tips or you are a parent of a college student who needs some help or, here are some ways to start managing your time more efficiently.
1. Write Down Your Appointments
If you rely on your memory to maintain your schedule, you’ll forget something. When life gets busy, your brain gets forgetful. Whenever you have a deadline that must get met, write it in a journal, calendar, or smartphone app that goes with you everywhere. This step will help you avoid uncomfortable conversations with a professor or employer later. Planner Pads Co. offers a unique system that helps you organize, prioritize and schedule what matters most to you
2. Develop a Routine
Once you have an idea of where you need to be each day, start sticking to that routine. It helps to reach this point as early as possible in the semester. When you need to make adjustments around school or work, you’ll have more flexibility within your schedule. Although there are always times you might miss something fun to keep up with your classes or professional responsibilities, it is essential to remember that these times don’t last forever.
3. Stay Healthy
If you have constant 16-hour days, your body wears out eventually. Your routine will be one that tries to cope with stress while trying to manage your responsibilities. It might seem like you can address these circumstances at first, but it only takes a few weeks before you physically run out of energy.
It helps to build your schedule around sleep first, and don’t forget to add moments where you can grab a healthy meal. Best Blackout Curtains can help you improve your sleep by blocking out city lights.
4. Keep Checklists Available
After you establish a routine, consider using a daily checklist to go through your required activities. Some people like using color-coding techniques to prioritize tasks, while others use time-based systems that focus on short-term deadlines. If you take multiple classes, having a list of everything due for that week can help you get the vital stuff finished while the other items can sit on the back burner.
5. Get Clutter Out of the Equation
Staying organized is an essential part of the college experience. If your living space looks like a tornado blew through it, you won’t focus as readily as you would when it is tidy. This process must involve every life aspect, including your car, calendar, class notes, and finances. If you have a day off from school, work, or both, give yourself a couple of hours to focus on cleaning. It’ll help!
A college schedule is already complicated without incorporating work responsibilities into your weekly routine. If you need to juggle both, consider these tips to help you stay productive and sane!
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